
Saturday, May 31, 2003

How you like? heehee. It's the fan art of Ethan.
I moved the tagboard up cuz *SOME PEOPLE* had trouble finding it. Of course, not mentioning anynames. *COUGHcarrieCOUGH* REMEMBER when we played Graffiti? Carrie had to draw an armpit. HAHHAAHA.
*sigh* I posted a few entries already but it didn't show up. Blogger is so screwed, but thats because theyre trying to put up a new blogger. OKAY. Yah. Yesterday I was bored. No surprise. I slept until REALLY late man... my mum got so pished off. HAhaa. I watched the Kid's choice awards! Whee! So fun! HAHAHA. Those fricking New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysian kids are so.. uh.. dumb. They voted AVRIL for best singer. Gawwwd~... SUCH BAD TASTE WAN! *no offence if you like Avril* Then I went online but my mum got pissed so I went offline. I did piano practise ~eww~ and then at eight I watched THE AMAZING RACE 4 season premiere! Damn, it's good. You have to watch it... if you like reality tv shows. It's AXN at 8pm. WUUUUUUU go KELLY AND JON! GO JON AND AL! *me going bonkers* HEY i haven't used the word BONKERS in ages. COOL. Uh not really actually. So I went online but then my mum got pissed at me. (Story sound familiar?) I was tired at 10:30 but I couldnt sleep because that day I woke up at like 12.. haha. SO at 11:30 I made a sandwhich. And then I just lolled around my room and I wrote a letter to my friend. HOW INTERESTING. Yeah. Today I bought VIRGIN BLUE. It's so damn sweet man. MAYBE that's why im hyper. I also had fruity chewing gum. So yeah. My mum and her friend went out for INDIAN FOOD and they made me come... I DUNT like Indian food! But I ate roti prata... thats yummy =) *SIGH* Me trying to make an ETHAN ZOHN (winner of Survivor3) graphic but it's shietty man. So. Mhmm. Damn don't we have a math assessment second day back? Shite. Have to study. Also I should get started studying for my French endofterms... *SIGH* I dunt wannnn... man. LALALALALA. No one's online. Rachys in MIRI. And Nadiah's nick sez shes watching Anger Management. LUCKY. It looks like a cool film. MHMM. Have you fallen asleep yet? Or are you even bothering to read this shyt? NO? WHAT? Wait. I don't blame you. HAHA. I'm going to go off now. WAIT LISTEN TO ME LAFF. OKAY?


Your Lovely Enemy,

Thursday, May 29, 2003

now jeff is singing the Calling.... wahh so naissssss one. HAHAHA. Man i have to go to 'piano' soon. NOOOOOOOOOO i didnt really practice, HAHA.. *embarassed* shes gonna get pissed at me but yeah i'll be like 'whutever'. Hehehehe. I LIKE LAFFING! if it isn't obvious enuff =)
heheheee.. rachy is singng in PalTalk.. wah.. tha future MARIAH CAREY....lol. HAHA. OK i made some lines dotted in this layout cuz it's CUTE! And yeah. Please tag me! hehehe.
OKAY! in blogspot you have to put a www before the URL.. so, everyone who linked me, the address is
if u dont put the www it wont update. =(
WHUT THA HELL #%*)@#%! why isn't it updating? poor me =(
oh shyt... i screwed up my layout, also blogger is.not.updating!!! grrrrrrr. I'll change it tomorrow. if it still doesnt work i'll switch to diaryland. *shrugs*
zzzz... heres my alicia fan art if ure interested:
^clicky on it. =) hope you laik.
hiyeeeez! it's 12:50am. lol. haha. looking at those back-n-forth emails i sent to shigz. man he's RUDE. ok yeah im making an alicia keys fan art. lol, i'll show when im done! <333

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

hehehehe me talking to carrie and rachy on PalTalk. so funnnnnneeh. hehehe. Carrie SUX!
hi-hi peeps! me chatting to carrie\rach\denyse\leo (i dun really kno whu is iz though).... LOL. im not tokking much though. we had fricking chinese todae...~aaron was being gay man. he cheated in his test! I saw him. And then the teacha didnt catch him. fuhck. aftah chinese... went home... went online... ~tried~ to put a tagboard in but didnt fit... shot some hoops... got sweaty.... took a showah.... ate dinner....wuz hungry... we had duck/steamed egg/veges... ate more than usual... I LIKE FULL STOPS!....................... yeah.
i like dinaz cursor! hehehe. WATERING CAN!!!!
aiyoh rachyz publish ur bloggah! me wanna seeeeeee!~
sign the gbook plzzzz... haha if u dunt wana u dunt hafter answer all the q's.. it wuld be nice, though.
*sigh* i dunt have much more ta say. so see ya! wouldn't wanna be ya! =)
carrie=genius. Best.Layout.Ever! she rawks. =P
hiye *waves* I changed the pic (again) because that pic is too adorable! Hehe.... ok ya'll take the friggin poll. Yeah. Rachy has a blogger and Dina has a new one... yay =) I want a tagboard! But there's no space in this layout and i can't be botherd.. i guess I'll just have ta make a gbookie :) Man, last night I couldn't get to sleep.. total insomnia man. I went online, I ate a tuna sandwich and I even tidied my room! But it doesn't look much cleaner. Hehe. Yah man its so boring... i gtg to Mandarin Tuition *ew* at 2:30... sigh...

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

ok, finally *almost* everything is done! yay. How do you like that pic? Hehe, I made it using a pic of me, a pic of dolphins and a pic of the ocean. Pretty nifty. Yeah, so people come online! There's barely anyone online today. =\
Okay, I wanna change the pic... maybe put a blue pic of myself or somethings. Yeah. Anyway, today it was like freezing in the piano place. Like, colder than a Siberian tundra. My fingers were numb and I kept making mistakes in the twiddly bits. Hahah, I dunt care though. English play/movie: no idea what we're doing man. Patrick and Sebastian dunt seem to want to do anything *shrugs* Its their loss... Im just gonna do my bit. sigh... chinese h/w to do. I just cant think of anything to write cuz nothing really happened today, so I'll come here again if theres anything interesting to write. =)
yay! it works... ok this is gonna be quick, i gtg eat lunch then go to my freaking piano... mhhmmm so yeah tell ppl about this LAME blogger and take the poll. btw, im gonna go visit the man on the moon. man, he really resembles josh harnett. ok yeah my mums yelling at me to get off and im hungry so yeah. see y'all, i'll post later on the day :D

Monday, May 26, 2003

Hey, it works!
Um. This is like the most boring blogger ever. Okay. Does anyone know howta change this frickin boring layout? It's just blue, white and gray. Boring.

Okay, yeah, post more after I find out how ter change this. Ciao.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Hey... this is just a test.

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