
Saturday, June 14, 2003

ok. i've switched.
please update your links!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

Hi =) *waves* I havent posted in a while cuz blogger was shitty. Yea.. yesterday was fun.... haha... Rachy got sand all over her... =P luckily I only had it in my shoes. Haha. The movie was so cute! I <3 Crush the turtle... and Squirt! Eee =) haha. Javan and Jon bought soooo many snacks but they didn't have to pay..and Carrie spilled the popcorn on the floor HAHAHA. Yah. So bad hoh the Empire staff have to clean. Then after the movie we ran down the hill *wheee* like crazy people (because we are) and then we went to the beach and Jon wrote 'Carrie <3 Jeff' on the sand.... HAHHAA and then Jeff stepped on it... *sigh* haha we were in the sea to Find Nemo. Yeah it was totally crap cuz i had to go home early =( *sniff* but only like 30 mins earlier at least...HAHA... i have to watch Charlie's Angels 2 when it comes out =D

OK yeah I got bazillions of homework to do so I gotta run...... byez =)

Friday, June 06, 2003

HI PEOPLES! Today is Thursday! Oh wait.. its actually Friday, lol. Damn this layout is getting boring... hafta change it soon. ANyway it's 1am and Im wearing jenas. Don't ask me why. I just am =)

HAHAH im chatting to Jeff\Carrie\Bea(but she's not talking)\Rachy... haha... we tokking about Sean+Rachy.. it was so fun today at break. We were like helping Sean to propose to Rachy.... he wuz too chicken though... hahaha.

Fuk! English programs.. I dun feel like doing them.. adn the radio broadcast. I don't wanna write it... =(

I don't feel like typing so I'll sign off. More thought-provoking, soulful entries coming soon from your favorite blogger. *COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH as if COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH* hehe

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

Man! This blog is really skrewed.. and boring.. I wonder if anyone actually reads it. I don't care though! This is for me =)
Today was actually a great day at school =)

WTF! I have a nosebleed!

Okay, Im just going to hold my tissue to my nose with one hand and type with the other.

hehe, it stopped 8)

yeah where was I? oh yeah. today was a cool day at school. In Science man.. we were doing that experiment haha where u have to step up and time yourself.. blah blah too lazy to explain. HAHA, Lydia was doing it when Mr. Bigg and 5 IB students walked up the stairs. And they walked down and she was still stepping up. Lolz... and then JON came up when I was doing it and then he lay down on the step and was like 'AHHH SO COMFORTABLE'. >=( Bwahaha.. that was so stewpik... BREAKTIME man.. shyt... Javan threatened Aaron, and Aaron was crying. Sheesh man. I felt half triumphant and half guilty... but yeah. Llvetica;background-color:#C3CFE5;color:#FF00CC}



Man! This blog is really skrewed.. and boring.. I wonder if anyone actually reads it. I don't care though! This is for me =)
Today was actually a great day at school =)

WTF! I have a nosebleed!

Okay, Im just going to hold my tissue to my nose with one hand and type with the other.

hehe, it stopped 8)

yeah where was I? oh yeah. today was a cool day at school. In Science man.. we were doing that experiment haha where u have to step up and time yourself.. blah blah too lazy to explain. HAHA, Lydia was doing it when Mr. Bigg and 5 IB students walked up the stairs. And they walked down and she was still stepping up. Lolz... and then JON came up when I was doing it and then he lay down on the step and was like 'AHHH SO COMFORTABLE'. >=( Bwahaha.. that was so stewpik... BREAKTIME man.. shyt... Javan threatened Aaron, and Aaron was crying. Sheesh man. I felt half triumphant and half guilty... but yeah. Like, half an hour later Aaron was back with his usual cracks. Haiyoh. In Maths.. Mr. A wasn't there!! Yaytastic.. no maths test.. hehe. We were *MEANT* to be revising, but me and Dina were just drawing over our books. Hehe.. we're doing a radio broadcast in History! NAQIB is Martin Luther King... HAHAHAz. ENGLISH! We did our english plays! Ours was *probably* the best if we knew our lines. Shaun's was REALLY good too.. hehe, Sofiah and her bad hair. I loved their play. And they knew their lines. But I think our script was better.. and our props.. and our story. Too bad we didn't know all of our lines.

Im supposed to be doing my homework o_0 but it's like.. NO WAY. Even though our exams our coming up pretty damn soon... fuckit. I have to revise. Grrr. Does anyone want to come over to revise on Friday or something? It will seem less boring =)

*sighZ* I don't realy have a life man *AS YOU KNOW* so I'm going off now... bye people =) <3

Monday, June 02, 2003

hey bytches and bastardz =) *ahem* I MEAN HI Ladies and gentlemen. Lol. Yeah. Today we had school... hmph.. boring manz.
ART= we were doing some Iban design shyt. I don't like it much. I like Art, but not those intricate complicated designs.
MATH= I didn't know our rev exercise was due... LOL. luckily, he didn't notice.. haha. Anyway our end-of-term maths sounds really shitty. I mean, on the comp? No way. I always make mistakes the first time round, and sometimes i have to skip questions for awhile. Ugh. Fuk it, I'd rather have it on paper.
GEOGRAPHY= Mrs. Lord didn't show up today, weehee. =) We had that dark skinned woman with the really long name, lol. We just did some boring questions.
BREAK= Boring man... I just hung out with Rachyz and Bea... and other peoples... nothing interesting really happened.
ENGLISH= Fuck... we have to perform our stupid plays tomorrow. We are pretty much in trouble, with Sebastian and Patrick in our group. They don't do ANYTHING. They're not going to learnn their lines, I bet.
FRENCH= Madame Bouvet announced she was leaving! *cries* Nooo, that sucks. She is such an awesome teacher, I have learnt. NOTHING. from all my other French teachers. Me pissed.
D.T= Hallelujuah! My dumb steady-hand game FINALLY worked. I'm so happy. Haha, Qib did almost all of it for me... lol... and like everyone was helping me becaues they had all finished.
ICT= SOOO BORING this Microsoft Access.

man. I gotta go and prepare English props. Me gotsa goooo~! Bye =)

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Hi peoples.. i'm getting worried about my homework. Hehe. I dunno if I can finish it. But yeah. I don't really give a shyt so yepz. Hehe. I'm in a quiet mood today. And I've been texting Sofiah and Amalina... Haha, I've spent like $30 this halfterm but yeah I don't care cuz I have a shytload of credit. My sister was using the EasiCard before me (when she was in Brunei) and none of her friends where in Brunei for her to call so she spent very little credit (FOR ONCE!) . Haha. She is SUCH a phone-head. Does that make sense? No right. Yeah. I ate BANDITO and a small CHICKEN POPCORN at KFC today... Yummiez.. Im so hungry today! =( Im starving to death. *sigh* Hey I want to talk to someone on the phone okz.. go text me first 8832513.

Hehe... put your mouse over anylink.. how cool doesthat look? I edited it myself. 8)
My dad's gonna bring me out for KFC. YUMMEHZ. HAHA. So yeah. I sorta gtg now. Bye aliens.
okay i know *SOME* people didn't like Ethan. Haha. Man it's 11:30 and I like just woke up. I slept at 4:30AM last night talking to Beatrice on the phone for five hours Cool man. I had a weird dream last night. I dreamt that our school was going to Temburong to stay for two nights ( I wish) and we were preparing to go. For some reason, Bea was pushing an ice cream truck thing. Don't ask. I have no clue. Hehe, I have probably the most bizzare dreams ever. Me and Bea were talking about Temburong on the phone, that's probably how it started out. Yeah. *sigh* school starts tomorrow =( which really sucks. Well half of me doeswant to go back to school. I missh my friends =( And I wanna get out of the house cuz my mom keeps getting pissed of at me. But on the other hand.. NO SLEEPING LATE! That Really sucks. Man. Also, homework. I hate homework. And I haven't done any of it during the holidayz... *funeral march* HAHA. My foot is asleep. How cool is that? PINS AND NEEDLES.

Wtf.. MSN isn't working *cries* mannn. And it's raining now. Last night I download a few ringtones cuz I was hopelessly bored. I got 'Bring Me To Life' 'Fighter' and 'Do it With Madonna v2'.

Since I have nothing else to say I'm going to sleepily stumble off. BAI!~ =)

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